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Home of the Prometheus of transfems and her peculiar erotica

The shrill chirping of the alarm jolted Elena awake and she slapped at the bedside table until the sound ceased. She groaned and stretched in bed.

Elena was a predator. Not a truly ravenous one, she ate about a person every two months (and had been slacking on even that recently) and tried to supplement her diet where she could with regular food, but to look at her there was no mistaking her pred nature. She was six feet tall, with an Amazonian quality to her form and physique. Her shoulder-length red hair had a metallic gloss to it found only in predator stock, and observant prey could tell when she talked that she had the extending, unlatching jaw of a pred, despite how sensitive and embarrassed she seemed about it.

Currently, of course, all that could be seen of her was her head and right arm, poking above the lily-white duvet. She turned over to her left with a groan and peeled her eyes open to take a look at the love of her life, Mia.

Mia was currently draped over Elena, her right leg and arm grabbing her much larger girlfriend while her head rested on her shoulder. The preygirl had started the night with her head on Mia’s breasts, as always, but had at some point shifted it into a more comfortable nook. Like most prey Mia was much shorter than Elena, at a little under five foot four inches, and the other differences were also stark. Her long black hair that reached her hips was matte in colour, her frame was petite and waifish, and her jaw was evidently just to look at it incapable of opening to the extent necessary to swallow other human beings. She was a prey’s prey, down to the inadvisable infatuation with a larger predator partner; for she loved Elena very much. She loved how cute Elena acted and how warm she was at night when the two cuddled together. She loved how kind and caring Elena was, especially in bed. And most of all, she loved that Elena was a predator, because she wanted the pred girl to eat her.

That had in fact been how they met. Mia had seen Elena a mutual friend’s party and had taken the opportunity to flirt with some line about taking her home and having a late dinner. Elena had agreed and the two had had sex, after which Mia had very much expected to be breakfast in the morning and was surprised when this did not happen. Emboldened, she had invited Elena on a picnic date the next week, saying she was going to bring the food (a groanworthily old preygirl scheme, but she had always loved the classics). There had, however, evidently been a miscommunication, since upon her arrival she discovered that Elena had brought sandwiches for both of them. Eventually Mia gave up and reasoned that if she couldn’t get this big lug to take one kind of hint, she’d drop another instead, and the two soon after started dating. Mia kept making advances, but Elena always had some excuse, or an accident of happenstance would snackblock the two.

Elena looked lovingly down at Mia and cradled her softly. She’d have to be woken at some point, but her girlfriend looked so perfect lying between her chest and the crook of her arm that she didn’t want to rouse her quite yet. She gently reached out and caressed Mia’s head. It had taken her a while to pick up on the preygirl’s overtures, longer than she was really comfortable admitting. After the picnic embarrassment, there had been the incident where Mia pretended to order pizza that never came, and rather than gobbling her up instead Elena had intimidated a profuse apology and a twenty dollar coupon out of a poor confused pizzeria employee. And it was only after getting home from being lost in the woods because Mia had forgotten to bring a survey map hiking that Elena had finally realised why her girlfriend had been seemingly obsessed with the concept of “emergency rations” the entire trip. She’d never met a willing prey before. She’d heard of them, everyone had, and most of the people she ate learned to enjoy themselves and accept their fate in their final hour inside her gut so that they could get off, but someone who planned ahead, who actively wanted to get eaten… Most people would meet a willing prey or two in their lives, but they weren’t that common.

Since then, Mia had more or less made Elena promise that one day she’d eat her. At times Elena wasn’t even opposed to the idea; when she smelled Mia’s hair her mind filled with thoughts of roast chicken, rich melted cheese or steaming hot soup. But more and more the association her brain made to that is that it smelled nice, and homely, and of her beloved girlfriend Mia, whom she adored very much and don’t like to think about eating and thereafter being without.

Elena knew this was dangerous. She knew what was putting roots down in her: some bright spark who no doubt thought they were funny decided to term it “Lesbian Pred Death”. This was, of course, a silly name: straight women and even male preds could experience it as well, it was just highly concentrated in queer girl preds. Elena presumed this was because culturally there was a lot less machismo standing in their way when it came to falling for a particular prey.

In the phenomenon, the pred in question would become too fond of a prey around her, often a close friend or girlfriend, and resist eating her. Over time this battle of associations in her mind would lead her to cut down on and eventually abandon people-eating entirely, and over the next two years she would lose features like her hair sheen and her cheek elasticity. Her frame would stay the same, but her Amazonian strength would usually be lost. The notion of her body changing that way scared Elena a little, but when the alternative was eating Mia… she shook her head a little. It was fine. She could eat her whenever she wanted. A few more months would be okay. She’d just eat someone on the train to work to keep sharp. Sometime this week. She had to admit she didn’t really feel like it, but… whatever.

Elena’s phone went off on the dresser. That’d be her boss. Her one other love in life, besides Mia, was her job. Elena was a shipwright. She designed boats. Her time was more or less halved between physical work on docklands and design work in heated offices. She was still almost bottom of the wright pole though. Her designer pool was mostly prey and she rather disliked how her freakishly huge frame stuck out in the open plan office. The pool above, who design larger, more comprehensive ships, had more preds, and this trend continued right up to the top where a pred’s physique and powerful presence was basically required. Prey didn’t usually get to the top of companies like that. Elena could count on one hand the number of prey she’d seen who could effect a pred presence, and they were all professional combat sportspeople. If you saw a prey in a CEO’s boardroom, it was safe to say his daddy got him the job, and he might not be keeping it for very long. Or that he’d been deposited there by a uniformed gig worker in the human equivalent of a to-go box.

Elena groaned. “Mia, honey, can you release my arm? I should really get that.”

“Mrmm…” Mia murmured, hugging Elena tighter. “Five more minutes.” Her eyes were still closed and she was obviously not fully awake yet, which was pretty normal. By rights she should be getting up with her girlfriend, since Elena drove her to work every day, but Mia loved her sleep and it was always hard to rouse her in the morning. As far as jobs went, Mia’s was pretty good, a nice cushy accounting job in an almost entirely prey office. Her job before that had been delivering pizza, but Elena had made her firm disapproval very clear after the two had started dating and had rather bullied Mia into getting a new, less public facing job, ostensibly for her own safety. Mia had agreed out of love, but also because at that point she was pretty sure Elena was “the one” and she didn’t want some hungry stoner getting there first before the big lug summoned the gumption to gobble her up. Outside work the two went everywhere together, an arrangement that Mia didn’t mind at all. After all, it was nice to know she had her big strong predator girlfriend to help protect her when she needed it… at least until those hungry eyes turned inward to spy their charge…

When they were alone, however, Mia tended to be a little clumsy and irresponsible. Elena wondered at times if this was another one of her girlfriend’s ploys to get her so fed up with her that she would eat her.

“I need to get that, Mia.” Elena complained. “I have my promotion interview today.” She heaved herself up into a sitting position then looked at Mia, clung to her, hugging her tight.

“Okay then, Bitesize. Monkey mode.” Elena rearranged Mia’s arms and legs until she was firmly attached to her torso, then swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up. She walked over to the dresser and picked up her phone with Mia still clinging lazily to her body.

“Hello?” Elena said blearily, before sharply awakening at the voice of her boss. “Mr Jefferson! Hi! Uh-huh. Just got up, actually, but no I haven’t forgotten. Do you want me in early for it? I’m raring to go, sir. Okay, I’ll come at the normal time then. Do you…? Huh. Five hours? Are you sure, Sir? No! No I’ll do it that’s no problem at all. Oh I see, yes of course you’d want us to do something like that I understand completely. Right yes, I’d struggle to fit a lunch break in there too. Don’t worry, sir, I’ll make sure to have a big breakfast before I come in.”

She paused and frowned. “No sir, quite reliable. I have a car but it’s difficult to get near the docks with it, so I drive my girlfriend to work every day and then park by the train station and take the train in instead. No, not that I’ve found, sir, and they come every five minutes so you can’t be very late. Ah well, sir, maybe wait to see how I do today, then you can offer me one of those parking spaces. I’m ready to prove myself! Very good sir. Goodbye sir.”

Elena hung up and looked down at Mia’s wrought iron form. “Hey packed lunch, I need to go shower and get ready for work. You can join me if you like, but you’re gonna get your PJs all wet unless you get off.” Elena liked to tease Mia with little nicknames about her status in society. It was the sort of thing that would terrify a normal prey, but in Mia’s case Elena just hoped it’d sate the smaller girl’s rabid sexual thirst for self-annihilation to some degree.

“Hehe…” Mia smiled and nuzzled into her girlfriend for a second then hopped off and started undressing.

“What was that call about?” She asked, kicking her shorts off her feet. “It sounds like you need a filling breakfast to get you through the day, right…?” She shot Elena a mischievous look.

“That was my boss.” Elena said, ignoring the look outright and focusing on undressing herself. “I’m doing an interview for a promotion today. It’s a big all-day workshop thing with the other candidates so lunch isn’t provided. Hence I said I’d fill up on breakfast. This is big, hun!” She leaned forward and kissed the top of Mia’s head. “If I get this promotion the pay bracket comfortably ranges half as much again as I make now, and it has a better flexitime rate. But obviously I want to be on time so I am going to need to leave promptly. Still, we’ve got at least half an hour before that’s a concern. I’m going to go shower, are you joining me?”

“Hell yeah” Mia said, bouncing from foot to foot in anticipation. “Are you sure you don’t need a pick-me-up breakfast? Something for good luck?” She luridly admired Elena’s naked body, thinking about how she’d love to add to those curves. “Do you want me to wash your back? Or do you want to wash mine? Congratulations on your interview though!”

“If you wash my back we’ll be here all day, Mia!” Elena laughed. “Okay, come on.” She effortlessly picked Mia up and carried her bridal-style through the bathroom into the large two-person glass shower cubicle. One day, she thought. One day she’d like to carry Mia bridal style for real. Maybe Mia would agree if she said she’d eat her at the altar. That sounded fitting, and it wasn’t as if they could afford to get married any time soon so it’d be nicely pushed away into the future. She lathered herself up and then ran her soapy hands over Mia’s petite prey body. This is one of her favourite things to do together. Nobody would want a mouthful of soap, so while the two were showering together she didn’t have to think about…well, never mind.

“God I love you.” She said over the sound of the rushing water. “You’re so cute.”

Mia giggled “You’re so cute too, Elena. And sexy. Like, really sexy.” She turned around and hugged Elena, burying her face in the pred girl’s boobs and rubbing their soapy bodies together. She made sure to rub Elena’s back and give her ass a squeeze as well.

“You feelin’ frisky, Free Sample?” Elena asked playfully. “We’d have to be quick.”

“With you? Always.” Mia looked up into her eyes. “You’re gonna have to take the lead though, since you’re the one that wants it.” She loved teasing Elena this way, knowing of course that they both wanted it just as much.

“Very well.” Elena said, and bodily grabbed Mia under each of her armpits, lifting the prey girl up to her eye level and pressing her up against the wall of the shower. Mia’s breath caught as Elena stared deep into her eyes with a smirk. She blushed, her eyes wide and her mouth twisted into a smile. Elena always knew exactly how to read her when the subject was anything other than Mia getting eaten.

Keeping her pinned to the wall with one powerful hand, Elena kissed Mia assertively and put a hand to her pussy, beginning to rub her briskly.

Mia was always amazed and aroused by Elena’s shows of strength. She bit her lip, her eyes shut in pleasure, and could feel she was already slick down there as Elena played with her.

Elena carried on playing with Mia’s clit for about fifteen seconds more before she put her hand back to her armpit. “All right, pillow princess, do your bit.” She twisted with her hands and effortlessly flipped Mia upside down, leaving her face dangling right by Elena’s own cunt. She wordlessly begin fingering Mia again in this new position.

Mia let out a little whine at being called a “pillow princess” and yelped as she was flipped over. She quickly put her tongue to work playing with Elena’s clit.

“Go on, get right in there.” Elena tipped Mia’s face a little further into her cunt, fingering Mia’s own faster and more sensuously. Now was not the time for slow Os. They had limited time before they had to go, and Mia had limited time before the blood rushing to her head made her a less than effective toy.

Mia eagerly lapped up Elena’s juices, assisting with her fingers while her tongue focused on the clitoris in front of her. She’d never had a partner that could get her off like Elena could, but that was definitely because all her other partners were little prey girls like her.

Elena’ hand’s plying of her folds was occasionally interrupted by a moan on her part as Mia’s attention turned her on more and more. She slicked her fingers in and out of Mia’s cunt rhythmically, hoping she could reciprocate her girlfriend’s attentions with just her hand because the comparative size of their torsos meant she couldn’t eat her out right now without doing herself an injury.

It was working pretty well. Mia was moaning in Elena’s grip as the pred girl’s fingers worked in and out of her. Even if she didn’t orgasm, just having some fun in the morning was more than enough for her.

“I’m close, Mia!” Elena called out. “Keep at it, you’re almost there!”

“Mmm!” Mia moaned in encouragement, trying to let Elena know she was close too. She worked harder, trying to get her girlfriend off as fast as possible.

Her work was not in vain. Elena moaned in final pleasure, and almost drop Mia’s tiny form as her grip slackened. She grabbed her just in time, flipped her back up so she was sitting astride her shoulders, and made to finish her off with her own tongue.

Mia grabbed Elena’s head and steadied herself. The strong pred’s tongue was enough to get her off in short measure, and she gripped tight onto Elena’s hair as she came.

Smiling with satisfaction, Elena lifted her back down, put her gently on the tiles, and patted her on the head, before returning to cleaning herself off. Mia lean against the cold wall, face red and breathing heavily.

“You’re so strong, Elena. I can’t believe we have sex like this normally.” She smiled. “Thanks for that, babe. Love you.”

“That’s the advantage of your girlfriend being a pred, Mia. I love you too.” Elena scooted up the far end of the shower so that Mia could clean herself too once she get her breath back.

Mia was already pretty lathered, so she set to work rinsing herself off. “There’s an advantage to having a prey girlfriend too, you know.” She giggled to herself. “You don’t even have to go outside if you want a big snack.”

“Mia can you cool it for one day?” Elena smiled weakly. “I’ll eat you! I promise! One day. Just… I have important stuff to do today and I really need to focus, and a little voice at my tits whispering ‘eat me’ the whole morning isn’t going to help.”

“Aw, alright…” Mia looked crestfallen. She felt a little bad now for pushing Elena so much, but sometimes she just couldn’t help herself. “Alright, well, since today is so important for you, I’ll cook breakfast.” She finished up in the shower and scampered out to dress and go downstairs.

Elena smiled lovingly after her and went back to her shower. By the time she was out, dressed in her smart white pantsuit (with heels, making her even taller) and coming downstairs tying her shiny metallic hair up into a loose bun Mia had been in the kitchen a little while.

Mia, meanwhile, had just thrown on a cute strawberry colored blouse and some black pants and run downstairs to get started. She had opened up the fridge and started grabbing ingredients, only to realize there… wasn’t anything. No eggs, no bacon, no sausage, not even any milk for cereal. She checked the pantry and there was nothing there either, just empty carb snacks that she knew would hardly fill Elena up. She wracked her brain, feeling terrible that her girlfriend might have to go hungry on this most auspicious of days until dinnertime. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks. She’d been Elena’s girlfriend way too long, and the jokes had become more a force of habit, but this… this was the perfect chance. She giggled to herself in excitement and arousal. This was it. Her chance. Finally, one of the best excuses she could possibly have to be her girlfriend’s food had been plopped right in front of her. She turned to see Elena stepping down the stairs.

“Honey, we have a problem, but your very clever girlfriend has a solution!”

“Uhuh?” Elena said, absent mindedly. “And what are they, respectively, then?”

“Well…” Mia looked coy. “The fridge is empty. So is the pantry unless you want stale Cheerios with no milk. But you do have one perfect source of food… Me!” She did a little twirl. “This is exactly what you’ve been saving me for! I’m your emergency rations, and I can fill you up today so that you can go get ’em at that interview! This is what prey girlfriends are for!”

Elena groaned and crossed the kitchen to check the fridge… and then the pantry. She sighed, exasperated. “Mia, didn’t you just promise to give me a day free of this shit?” Picking up her keys from the counter she gestured firmly at Mia and turned away. “Come on, get in the car. Your work’s kind of out of the way so we’ve gotta rush if I’m going to get you there AND get breakfast out somewhere in town before my train.”

“Elena, I’m not teasing now. This is like before, at the start of our relationship. You don’t have time! Do you really think you can drop me off before you can catch the train? You only have 30 minutes, Elena. There’s no way.”

Elena turned and looked back at Mia, slightly fearfully. “There’s time if I skip breakfast. I’ll be fine, I had a big dinner last night and maybe there’ll be someone to eat on the train. Come on.” She said, briskly and evasively.

“No way.” Mia planted her feet on the tile. “Any other predator would eat me right now. There’s a lovely, tasty little prey right in front of you, and you’re hungry and on a time crunch and who knows if you’ll actually be able to eat someone on the train? And don’t think I don’t know you’ve been skimping. You’re not that fast at working people off, and I haven’t seen you come home with a full belly for months now. You’ll come up with an excuse the next time, and the time after that, and pretty soon you won’t even be a predator anymore.” Her stance softened and she walked over to Elena, taking her hands and giving her a pleading look. “I want you to eat me. I’ve wanted to be a part of your sexy curves for so long now and this is the perfect chance, for me and you.”

Elena looked into her girlfriend’s hurt, disappointed eyes and her own begin to fill with tears. “Mia… please… you’ve got to understand. It’s not that you’re not tasty. Sometimes when I smell your hair in the morning I actually have to come down and make breakfast to stop myself from scarfing you down. You’re delicious, you’re everything you could want in a prey. But… I love you, Mia. And there’s only one of you. If you could come back from being eaten, I’d eat you every day. Twice a day even! And I’d get so fat but I’d still do it cause I know this is what you want so badly and I love you and I want you to have it. But in reality… once I digest you, you’ll be gone for good. And I’d miss you so bad cause I love you so much. I want to have my Mia and eat her too!” I chuckle a little through the tears. “I know I’m Pred Deathing and I’m sorry I tried to hide it from you and I know eating you would fix it but I don’t want to because you’re the best thing to happen in my life and you’ll be gone forever, Mia!”

“Elena, I want you to eat me. I know it’ll only be once for you but I’ll be super tasty. You’ll remember me forever, and it’ll be the best experience of my life, I just know it will. There’s nothing you can do to change my mind on this, so you shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth and eat me already.”

“I should. You’re right. I don’t have time. I never did. And I’m sure to fail the interview if I go on an empty stomach.” Elena said, trying to talk herself into it. “And you’ll be the best prey I’ve ever tasted, I have zero doubt… But this is so hard, Mia. Tell me… would you eat me? If you were the fading Pred and I were the prey? Could you?”

“It’s hard to relate, I’ve never really wanted to eat anyone, but…” Mia considered her answer. “Yeah, I would. Who cares about prey, right? Predators are superior in every way, and prey are just destined to be their food anyways. And besides, in that scenario you’d really, really, really, really want it. Specifically from me.” She smirked.

“Don’t say that.” Elena wiped the tears from her face. “You’re my best friend, and my girlfriend, and I love you, and I care about you a great deal. But…” She relented. “I know you really want it. From me. And you always will.” Defeated, her head dropped sadly. “Okay Mia. I’ll eat you. Let me taste you first though. I need a hit cause I’ve been off the sauce so long.”

Mia tried to suppress the urge to giggle in excitement. She offered up her hand, holding it high above her head. “Here, a little taste. To get you fired up before the real thing.”

Elena took hold of Mia’s outstretched wrist and gave it a big, long lick up towards the hand, closing her eyes as she did so and savouring the taste and smell. As she did, a jolt shot through her body; dormant predator reflexes and hormones firing into life as they thundered to repair the damage done by force alone. Neither she nor Mia had ever seen what was happening to her, except on television a few times. Most preds never went into a resurgence state after going cold turkey; they either ate all the time or underwent Pred Death. What was happening to Elena was altogether different. Her hands swelled and rearticulated; never becoming truly inhuman but morphing into the most claw or talon like shape a human hand could reasonably be. Her hair stood on end a little, glinting under the kitchen lights. When she opened her eyes, Mia could see that they were a brilliant and luminescent green, and her pupils were the vertical slits like those of a cat or a snake. Elena looked down at her, and opened her mouth wider than Mia ever could, glistening with slick saliva. Something primal had overtaken Elena… and Mia could see that she liked it.

Elena mentally calculated that if she didn’t have to drop Mia off at work, that gave them ten minutes to play.

Run, little mouse.” She chuckled in a much deeper, chestier, more reverberative register than her normal speaking voice. “Run and hide. You wished to serve your purpose as prey, so allow yourself to be hunted.

Mia squeaked and scurried past her up the stairs. She couldn’t quite believe that her dream was finally coming true. It was the hottest thing in the world that the taste of her flesh alone had turned Elena into that feral… thing. She really tasted so good that her girlfriend had to have her so badly that her long forgotten pred side had completely woken up. Even if Mia had been having second thoughts, she knew she was fucked, and that was turning her on even more. Instead of darting to any of the rooms upstairs, she decided to hide in the closet in the hallway. It was full of cleaning and laundry supplies, so she was hoping that it’d mask her prey scent, and she could somehow slip past Elena once you’ve gone into a room and run downstairs. The thrill of being hunted was pounding through me, and she could hear the adrenaline rush in her ears. She was hardly experiencing any animalistic transformations of her own, but nevertheless this feeling made her certain that she too was reverting to her most primal of roles by running, hiding and skulking from a hunting predator in fear.

She heard the clack of Elena’s heels on the hardwood floors as the pred bound up the stairs in pursuit. They tracked into the study to her left, then to the bedroom on her right. She heard the door to the bathroom open further in, and then Elena’s voice came floating out, effecting a mocking imitation of Mia’s own voice.

Oh Elena, do let’s get this apartment! The minimalist aesthetic is so bright and airy, and it means when you finally hunt me, I won’t be able to hide for long…” Her voice was travelling back into the bedroom, back towards the hallway…

Mia cupped her hands to her mouth and held her breath as she heard the heavy thumps of Elena passing. She waited agonising moments, anticipating at any point the closet door just springing open, but the moment never came. Hearing Elena mock her had got her excited, and it made it starkly clear that her girlfriend was really going to eat her now. She had said that when they’d first viewed the apartment, and she’d meant it. It was wonderful that those words had come true.

The sound of Elena’s footfalls drifted further away, diverting from the bedroom into the bathroom, and Mia opened the closet door as silently as possible. She tiptoed down the stairs and headed into the laundry room downstairs. Hopefully she’d bought herself some more time, but there really weren’t many places for her to go…

She heard her girlfriend stalk back to the landing and stop for a moment.

I feel GREAT, Mia.” Elena slavered enthusiastically. “Now I know how my mom felt, stalking lumberjacks and poachers in the eighties. She never approved of you, you know.” She let out a cackle. “She told me after we first visited. ‘Prey should be afraid, and they should die afraid.’ Are you afraid of me, Mia? I know you’re excited, you little deathwish gutslut, but are you frightened?

Mia almost answered out of reflex, but pulled her head back just in time. Yes, she was afraid. This was scary as hell. Her prey instincts were kicking in, screaming at her to run, and she wanted to obey them every time she heard the sound of footfalls, but she wouldn’t. Her excitement eclipsed the fear, however, mixing with it and creating a new emotion altogether, one where her primary feelings were rushes of energy and hormones, the hair on her skin raised and her heart racing. Her hot girlfriend would finally get to eat her, and that made her feel alive.

I can smell you, Mia.” Elena growled. “Your scent is everywhere here. You smell of breakfast. Sizzling bacon and egg, fluffy oil-sealed hash browns, plump sausages, dripping hot buttered toast and syrupy pancakes… and… laundry detergent…” Mia heard the closet door open upstairs and a moment of silence.

Hm. No. Then…” The sound of footsteps thundered down the stairs.

Mia knew she was screwed. If Elena had her scent now, there was no way she could get out of there, and the laundry room was down a small hallway anyways, which meant she wouldn’t be able to slip out like last time. Why had she picked this spot? She was beginning to panic. In the end she considered herself fortunate that she was such a gutslut because she’d be terrible at running away. She thought of her parents, and what they would’ve thought. Truly she had no idea. They’d been eaten by a predator when she was young and she’d been raised in an orphanage and bounced between foster homes. Maybe that was why she was so fucked up. She shrugged off the thought, then stiffened again as the pounding footsteps echoed closer and closer down the hall.

The door slammed open, revealing Elena’s enormous figure silhouetted in the light.

What do we have here?” She sneered. Her claw like hand zipped out and grasped Mia firmly by the scruff of her neck. Elena hauled her pathetic scrawny girlfriend out of the laundry room and into the air above her. “A petite little prey, ready to eat.

Elena laughed, her headlamp-like cat’s eyes seeming to project some kind of hypnotic ray of paralysing fear that immobilised the squeaking struggling creature in her grip. She could see an intense longing beaming out of Mia’s eyes even as the preygirl whimpered in terror. She knew that this was Mia’s perfect fantasy come true. This is what she’d always wanted, how she’d always yearned to go out.

Elena opened her mouth to its full, horrifying extent and with her left hand she grabbed Mia’s dangling feet and lifted them up into it. As she allowed Mia to straighten up again inside her, the preygirl’s body extended such that it made a straight line down her throat, and she began gulping her further down, quickly reaching her shoulders as gravity did most of the work. Mia gazed down into Elena’s eyes as she was swallowed, looking on in excitement.

“I love you.” She muttered under her breath, saying it more for herself than really addressing Elena. “Take me.” She give her girlfriend one last kiss on the nose before she was swallowed completely.

Elena’s teeth closed over Mia’s tiny meek face, sealing her inside her gullet. She swallowed visibly to finally push the girl-turned-food down into her stomach, then lazily looked at her watch.

“Oh shit.” She faltered, her normal voice returning. “Sorry babe, gotta run.” Mia was jumbled about in as Elena raced outside to her car. Thankfully, she at least used to eat enough people to have sprung for prey-adaptive seating, so she didn’t have to spend ages adjusting to be able to fit her huge Mia-encompassing gut into the seat and reach the wheel, but she was still rather flustered as she peeled out of the driveway.

It was uncomfortable for Mia to be shaken around, but as with anything that reminded her she was just food sent sparks through her and tingled her loins. She started working on herself, pulling off her slowly dissolving clothes and shoving her fingers inside her. “You’re welcome, Elena!” she shouted. “Now do well at that job interview for me!”

“You bet, sweetie.” Elena smiled, only half paying attention as she raced to the train station. She broke the speed limit on several occasions, and the lurching acceleration did nothing for Mia’s comfort inside her, but she breathed a sigh of relief as she pulled into the parking lot and realised she had in fact end up making it to the train on time.

There were only a few prey on the train, and none very appetising. In any case, Elena’s full belly and blaring Pred features had them all staying as far away from her as they could. She tapped on her belly. “All right, genius. No good meals on the train, you were right.”

Mia moaned as she brought herself to her second orgasm. “I told you so. Aren’t you happy you ate me?” Getting squeezed and carried by Elena’s stomach had been an amazing experience. “Your super tasty girlfriend is always right. Now, how long until I digest?”

“I dunno.” Elena blinked owlishly. “Like, a day usually, but I think they said on tv that it’s way shorter if the pred went primal first.” A nearby eavesdropper was deterred by an angry flash of Elena’s feral eyes. “I might end up dumping you at work, hun. Sorry. Far as I’m concerned a kind, beloved, worthy girl like you should become shit in her own home but that’s not the hand we’ve been dealt here.”

“Babe.” Mia laughed. “Do you really think I’m not the kinda girl who thinks it’s really hot that you’re dumping me at work? I’m not even going to a nice place, just where all your other work snacks have gone. How long is that primal thing going to last, anyways?”

“I don’t know?” Elena said with a concerned frown. “I don’t feel the need to do the voice any more but my heart still feels like I’m on speed or something and from the looks of the people in the carriage I don’t think my eyes are back to normal. This has never happened before, Mia. I guess I’m glad you could bring it out of me. I kinda don’t want it to stop soon. I feel really good, like I could run to work easily if I had the time or even build the whole damn ship on my own.”

“That’s so cool… my pred girlfriend went primal over me. Kinda wish we could’ve used it for sex, though, haha.” Mia shifted a little in Elena’s belly. “Hopefully it lasts forever, honestly. Maybe it’ll get you the promotion, and it’ll definitely attract some other prey slut like me into dating you.”

“I think it’s too scary for them, actually.” Elena cast around the carriage. “Might need to cool my jets to reel in anyone without a deathwish like yours. I think there’s probably a difference between ‘she might eat you someday’ and ‘she’s definitely going to hunt you right now.'” She playfully poked at her belly bulge. “You see, Mia, normal prey are hardwired to run AWAY from stuff like that, not hang onto its arm and wheedle it to gobble them up.”

The train was coming into the docklands stop and Elena stood up. “Besides, you might be right about the interview, but I hope it doesn’t go on much longer than that, cause if my heart and my hormones are just gonna be like this forever now I’ll be dead within a week.”

Normal prey are boring, and not worth dating anyways,” Mia replied with a playful huff. “And your arm was so strong! And sexy! How could I not hang onto it, jeez! But, fine. Just make sure to hunt more cute prey for me, okay? I want to have lots of cute roommates.”

“Oh my hips are going to be a co-living arrangement, don’t you worry.” Elena laughed as she strode powerfully towards the dockside offices. “I was far too fond of you for my own good, Mia. It made me forget how delicious you little prey morsels are. I really should punish you for leading me astray like that. Hmm, but how? I know, what if I digested you into shit? That should make you learn your lesson about being cute as a button!” She stepped up to the office door. “Now, I think you’re going to have to hush, honey. This is going to be a time for people talking, not interjections from food. Goodbye, Mia.”

She felt Mia giggle and squirm in excitement in her gut.

“I guess I’d deserve to be shit, considering I asked for it like, all the time. I’ll be quiet now though, babe. Love you! I hope you enjoy digesting me! I’ll try not to be too loud if this hurts.” And with that, Mia fell silent as she turned her attentions fully to getting herself off, spiraling with lust.

Five hours turned out to be a ridiculous exaggeration. In just one and a half, Elena’s boss pulled her aside.

“Elena.” He said. “You’ve got the job.”

“Thank you, sir.” Elena said in polite surprise. “But…already?”

“Well…” Mr Jefferson looked around the almost empty room. “All the prey applicants have withdrawn their applications. I think perhaps they’re scared of what you might do to them if they got the promotion and you didn’t. That just leaves you and Ryan. And, well, off the record you know my opinion on Ryan.”

Elena did. “Well, thank you, Sir. But… I can’t take all the credit. I feel like a new pred, now, ready to take on these new challenges. All thanks to my girlfriend Mia.”

“Yes… Mia. You’ve mentioned her before. You two seem to make quite a team. What does she do?” Mr Jefferson asked by way of conversation.

“She was in accounting, but she’s recently transferred to digesting.” Elena pointed at her still protruding belly. “She might still be alive, actually. Hear that, Mia? I got the job!”

“Y-yay…” Mia called weakly. It had been a little hard to breathe in Elena’s stomach for the past half hour now. “I’m so proud… this is what I was born for. For you. Do well, okay? Don’t get fired now.”

“Glad you know your place, meat.” Elena teased. “I’ll make you proud, don’t worry.” She looked up again. “Mr J, I know how you feel about outside food but, is it okay if I flush Mia here? She has this thing about being treated like the crap she is and she won’t survive until I get home.”

“Sure.” Mr Jefferson smiled warmly. “That’s touching! And a little exciting if you know what I mean. Go move your stuff to your new desk, Elena. Now we have time for lunch after all I think I’m going to go and eat Carlos the intern. Ever since that perfect ass of his turned up I’ve noticed a marked decrease in work output from wrights who can see him from their desks.” He sauntered off. Elena took the time to move her various desk contents upstairs to her new office. The box bouncing against her form did little for poor Mia’s structural integrity. When she was done, Elena sat in her nice new chair and looked down. “How are you getting on, Mia? You soup yet?”

“I’m pretty mushy, Elena. ” Mia’s voice was barely audible over the grumbles and groans of the stomach around her. “I think this is it. Whenever you want to, I’m toast. I can’t even really move. Any moment now a shift is gonna break me apart completely”.

“Oh Mia.” Elena lamented. “Oh my perfect little lunchable. Too vorny for this earth. I’ll never forget you you know. I know you don’t like it when I treat you like you’re special, Mia, but you are. I love you so much, Babe.”

“Hehe. I’ll never forget you too.” Mia smiled weakly. “At least until I’m just a pile. Love you too, babe. Now do it.”

Elena placed her hands on either side of her belly, then pushed inwards with a wet crunch. Her new office had three opaque walls and she deigned to turn away from the glass on the fourth so that nobody could see the single tear that rolled down her cheek.

She got a lot done in the coming hours. Her blood was still running hot from going primal and she finished a number of designs she still had lying about from before the interview. She considered sending them down to Ryan, but ultimately decided that, prey (and scared of her) as he was, Sean would probably do a more competent job with them. Just before it was time to leave, she felt a pressure in her bowel, and rushed to the bathroom signposted for her new floor.

Alone in the cubicle, Elena strained profusely in pain at pushing until eventually Mia’s skull popped out of her ass, mostly preserved.

That’ll be a pain, she thought. Better remember a Christmas gift for the janitorial staff.

The rest of Mia passed much more easily, winding out in thick black logs into the heavy duty pred-friendly toilet. Within three minutes Elena was done. She stood up, wiped, and took a single look at the remains before looking away and flushing. That wasn’t how she wanted to remember her Mia.

Finally, home time came. As Elena was packing up and making to leave, outside her office she found a diminutive visitor. She recognised her as Analyn, a short (even for a prey) plump woman of Filipino extraction who had been one of Elena’s competitors for the promotion before withdrawing her application.

“Can I help you, Analyn?” She asked.

“Congrats on the promotion.” Analyn mumbled, avoiding the pred’s gaze shyly.


“Also, uh… I heard you talking to Jefferson. Did you really eat your girlfriend this morning?”

 “Yeah.” Elena looked wistfully into the distance. “Just dumped her actually.”

“Right. Just…” Analyn shuffled shyly. “Would you like to go and get drinks after work?”

“Are you asking me on a date, Analyn?”

“Only if you want to.” Analyn flushed, her voice dropping to an almost imperceptible volume. “Otherwise it’s just drinks.”

“Hmm.” Elena regarded her analytically. “All right. Why not? But you should know two things, Analyn.”


“First, Mia was very special to me. I adored her, and it was very hard for me to let her go. Don’t expect to properly take her place. I’m not ready for that again.”

“I understand.” Analyn nodded.

“Secondly.” Elena grinned wolfishly. “Eating her reawakened my love of hunting prey.” She leaned down to look at Analyn’s face, opening her luminous green serpentine eyes to their full headlamp-like extent.

So don’t expect to last anything like as long as she did.


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