Home of the Prometheus of transfems and her peculiar erotica


Stories 13
Chapters 27
Words 131.8 K
Comments 0
Reading 10 hours, 58 minutes10 h, 58 m
  • by Ayula There was very little sound as Lavinia and Judith sat in the dim backroom together. Only the occasional scraping of stone against stone as the goblin street-sweepers cleared the rubble outside disturbed the solemn stillness of the late afternoon. Lavinia stared into the depths of the cup of tea clasped in her hands, savouring the peace of the moment. “So…” the grand dame’s voice pierced the silence. “Quite.” Lavinia murmured. She looked over to the shuttered window, the light from the…
  • by Ayula “Thank you all for coming tonight, good people of Ravnica!” Judith spread her arms wide and smiled a glittering smile. “We have time remaining for one more act only, but it is our showstopper.” She sat down on a table on the raised stage beneath a large wooden arch; suspended from which via one taught rope and two slack ones was a large, nasty looking knife pointed straight down towards her. At each side of the stage a large, nasty looking devil stood, each one connected via the shirtless waist to…
  • by Ayula “Nobody will recognise you.” Judith’s voice was sharp, but reassuring. “The cowl hides your hair and changes the shape of your face, and clad as you are in red and black nobody would think to associate you with the Azorius.” Her words were punctuated by the sound of her heels clacking on the paving slabs beneath their feet. “If you’re certain.” Lavinia said, doubtfully. “Say the word, My Pet,” Judith’s voice came again. “And we won’t go. It’s important to me that you’re…
  • by Ayula It had been an exhausting day. Lavinia wondered if perhaps she could feel a migraine coming on. In and out of meetings with ranking members of the Azorius- and constantly making excuses for the guildpact- she had been left barely any time to catch up on her paperwork, and so had taken the opportunity to work longer into the night than she usually did to make up for lost time. It was from the depths of dreary arrester reports that Lavinia was roused by an impatient knock on her door. She looked up in…
  • by Ayula Lavinia pulled her hood tighter around her face as she approached the blaring lights and sounds of the street circus, praying that nobody in the street would recognise her. She regretted coming out here, to the cobbled streets and boisterous caravan-sites of Rakdos territory, in such a brazen expression of Azorius loyalty, but every article of clothing she owned, she had realised, was some combination of blue and cream! She had had to make do with her darkest blue cloak, and with forgoing such easily…
  • by Ayula It was the middle of February, and the weather had unfortunately not improved. The cold air chilled Sam’s bones as he wandered around the various levels of the gardens, examining flowerbeds and raised boxes, writing thoughtfully in a grubby notepad. Lady Ashwater had, naturally, gone off the specifics of her initial autumn admonitions for the intended state of the garden and had now handed the lion’s share of the project over to Sam himself. Whether this was a recognition of some degree of demonstrated…
  • by Ayula Despite being dismissed in good time and with extra leave, Jessica still found herself running late by the evening. Her experience (His experience? No, no no.) with Lord Ashwater had brought to light some implications she found too troubling to be left alone with, but too confounding to share with anybody else in the house, so she had hurried off to her potting shed, buried herself in a furious practice, as best she could alone, of the dance steps the other maids (The maids? The chambermaids, such as they…
  • by Ayula Lord Edward Ashwater arrived home on the twenty-second of December, and quickly began acquainting himself with those developments that had befallen his household in his absence. The morning after, Jessica found herself ushered outside in the company of the tall, dark, quiet patriarch in order to show him the changes she had made to the gardens and explain what could be expected in spring. Lord Ashwater himself said very little throughout the entire affair, instead simply gazing down over his large…
  • by Ayula Jessica was roused by a banging on her door, a full forty-five minutes before her usual wake up time. It was late December now, and so this early there was no light at all to be had through the meagre window to her room. She looked with some annoyance toward the source of the noise, and tried to find the place to put her larynx to get Samson’s tones. “Who is it?” She called, her voice cracking a little. “It’s Frank.” Came the reply. “You decent? I’ve got something to show…
  • by Ayula It was cold November afternoon, and Jessica was glad that she had managed to convince Lady Ashwater to have the pipe heating in the glass house inspected a month previously. Neither she nor the nascent plants it was now her day-to day responsibility to tend (for unfortunately it had been too late to plant more than Lady’s-Mantle outdoors in the end) would have fared well in the freezing cold, although Jessica had to admit that of late she had found herself feeling uncomfortably warmer than she used…