Home of the Prometheus of transfems and her peculiar erotica


Stories 13
Chapters 27
Words 131.8 K
Comments 0
Reading 10 hours, 58 minutes10 h, 58 m
  • by Ayula A certain amount of dread filled Jessica’s heart as she answered an early morning summons to Lady Ashwater’s chambers dressed in her work clothes. She had never been to any part of the house that fancy while dressed in her scarecrow-like gardener’s getup, and her Ladyship’s admonishment that she was to present herself so suggested either that some further masculinising humiliation was to befall her, or that she was to be presented to somebody that Lady Ashwater would prefer were unaware of her…
  • by Ayula Jessica was roused from her slumber by furious banging on the door of her room. It had been a pleasant surprise to be afforded her own private sleeping space, cut off in the opposite wing to where the maidservants slept, but the blissful respite of sleep being broken signalled a new day, no doubt full of peculiar and perhaps frightening experiences. She sat up in bed, her face obscured by curtains of untidy orange hair. “You’ll not have to worry about that much longer.” the presence on the…
  • by Ayula “You’re certain there were none at all?” “None, Ma’am. All gone off to the war, Miss Hastings said.” repeated Harriet, the tallest of the five well-dressed maidservants. “But how incredibly inconvenient this all is!” Lady Ashwater wailed. “I absolutely musthave a new gardener by spring! Perhaps not one of particular quality, certainly we must all make little sacrifices in these troubled times, but one of competence at least, else the grounds will run completely wild! And I don’t…
  • by Ayula The crew know, by this point, how to ascertain when one should stay out of your way, and the Merciless Modiste’s. A crewman salutes instinctively upon spotting you in the shadows beneath the funnel but masterfully translates this motion into a wave towards the Longshanks Gunner, herself shimmying out onto the barrel of the foredeck gun, as he spots the glint of the knife in your hand and realises you would probably prefer that your presence were not acknowledged. You steal inside and descend to the cargo…
  • by Ayula Acereces preferred it when The Mistress Of Death was the designated survivor at knitting circle meetings. Not that she didn’t like the Mistress, in fact the two of them got along very well, but although they had never exchanged words on the matter, Acereces had more than a sneaking suspicion that of the eight other members of the Society, only the Mistress was sharp enough to discern that when the silver dragon entered a “trance like state of rapt attention” during one of Mr. K’s long, involved…
  • by Ayula Midas machines are, of course, illegal. Their explicit purpose of counterfeiting money was understood well before the revelation that there are no limits on their input matter, and various "cash 4 trash" wideboy schemes spring up and are cracked down on every summer. That hasn't stopped her from acquiring one, however. Most likely one of her simps bought it of course, that's one of the benefits of being a findom. It's proven part of a very popular new arrangement between her and those of you who remain.…
  • by Ayula He’s nervous. I can tell that much. I imagine in his position I probably would be too. Honestly this is triggering some concerns about consent. I should ask again. “You’re sure you want this?” I ask, trying to make my tone sympathetic, but firm. “Dude you don’t understand. I fucking hate needles.” He’s struggling to remove his shirt, apparently so flustered that he hasn’t realised it’d probably be a better idea to remove his baseball cap first. He doesn’t look too bad, honestly.…