Home of the Prometheus of transfems and her peculiar erotica


Stories 13
Chapters 27
Words 131.8 K
Comments 0
Reading 10 hours, 58 minutes10 h, 58 m
  • by Ayula “Now then.” Doctor Boothroyd looked over her sharp rectangular glasses sternly, her short spiky hair almost invoking to Cassidy the notion of the forbidding black spikes once proposed for marking the site of nuclear waste disposal vaults. “Master— or if you prefer we apply the benefit of the doubt, Ms Meadows. Please confirm to me that you understand that a knowingly misrepresentative claim of gender dysphoria or other transgender-pertinent symptom is a capital offence, carrying a maximum fine of…
  • by Ayula The thin trail of smoke from Lysanthe’s cigarette rose lazily into the sky like a thread of hanging silk, betraying the quiet stillness of the cool June evening. It was her tenth today. Sometimes she worried about that— feared that one day she would wake up and suddenly find herself fallen so far, rendered so mortal, that lung cancer would finally be able to descend upon her with its bulbous, tar-soaked claws. She always quieted this fear with the unfounded conviction that if it was still too early…
  • by Ayula Your ability to naturally gauge the passage of time these days has suffered a little from how it used to be. Seeing as you don’t need to sleep when you are indoors and not seriously injured, the days rather flow into one another more than they did. Nevertheless, you can tell that you’ve been in the pantry all night when Sir finally opens the door. Thin beams of sunlight seeping through the shutters pepper the floor and kitchen table behind him. They make you shudder slightly. “Well?” He asks…
  • by Ayula Your ability to naturally gauge the passage of time these days has suffered a little from how it used to be. Seeing as you don’t need to sleep when you are indoors and not seriously injured, the days rather flow into one another more than they did. Nevertheless, you can tell that you’ve been in the pantry all night when Sir finally opens the door. Thin beams of sunlight seeping through the shutters pepper the floor and kitchen table behind him. They make you shudder slightly. “Well?” He asks…
  • by Ayula Your ability to naturally gauge the passage of time these days has suffered a little from how it used to be. Seeing as you don’t need to sleep when you are indoors and not seriously injured, the days rather flow into one another more than they did. Nevertheless, you can tell that you’ve been in the pantry all night when Miss finally opens the door. Thin beams of sunlight seeping through the shutters pepper the floor and kitchen table behind her. They make you shudder slightly. “Well?” She asks…
  • by Ayula Your ability to naturally gauge the passage of time these days has suffered a little from how it used to be. Seeing as you don’t need to sleep when you are indoors and not seriously injured, the days rather flow into one another more than they did. Nevertheless, you can tell that you’ve been in the pantry all night when Miss finally opens the door. Thin beams of sunlight seeping through the shutters pepper the floor and kitchen table behind her. They make you shudder slightly. “Well?” She asks…
  • by Ayula “Yağmur, I promise it’ll be fine. My family will love you!” Kendall insisted sunnily as she rang the doorbell. “Are you really sure, Kendall?” Yağmur fretted, scratching her arm nervously. “It just… feels a little weird to be meeting your family this early. We’re only dating two months!” “It’s fine!” Kendall reassured. “Yeah like, ideally we might wait a little longer, but my parents know I’m gay, and I mean, you’re just coming for dinner, for the holiday break, right?…
  • by Ayula On balance, Simone didn’t really want to go to “Girls’ Night”. She wanted to be invited of course, and in fact she had been elated when Holly, bumping into her talking with Megan after English class, had indeed extended Megan’s invitation to her as well. To be invited to Girls’ Night, especially invited with such offhanded certainty as Holly had done- no chewing it over or cocking of the head, just a “oh and you must come too, Simone, hope to see you there!”- was one of the most validating…
  • by Ayula The shrill chirping of the alarm jolted Elena awake and she slapped at the bedside table until the sound ceased. She groaned and stretched in bed. Elena was a predator. Not a truly ravenous one, she ate about a person every two months (and had been slacking on even that recently) and tried to supplement her diet where she could with regular food, but to look at her there was no mistaking her pred nature. She was six feet tall, with an Amazonian quality to her form and physique. Her shoulder-length red…
  • by Ayula It was an attractive contest for readers of Smart Prey Magazine: An opportunity to get away for the winter, with nine other lucky readers, to a château high in the mountains. No preds, hell, no other people for two weeks, just a nice retreat with a hot tub and a sauna, accessible only via a single mountain road. None of the winners would know each other, but they were all prey, so what was the harm? It was already snowing heavily by the time Emily, a small mousy girl bundled up in a large snow coat and…