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Home of the Prometheus of transfems and her peculiar erotica

In which Lady Ashwater visits horrors like out of books on Jessica that ‘ent worth the thirty smackers she’s payin and the other maids don’t find out about it.

Discovering Edwardian greenhouses had subterranean pipe heating went a lot way to getting this scene, which was supposed to happen in late spring and yet somehow before scenes that happened in early spring because I am an absolute fucking dipshit, out the door.

Also this chapter is basically one long dubcon/noncon scene so if you do not want to see that I suggest skipping it and figuring out from chapters in the future what happened.

It was cold November afternoon, and Jessica was glad that she had managed to convince Lady Ashwater to have the pipe heating in the glass house inspected a month previously. Neither she nor the nascent plants it was now her day-to day responsibility to tend (for unfortunately it had been too late to plant more than Lady’s-Mantle outdoors in the end) would have fared well in the freezing cold, although Jessica had to admit that of late she had found herself feeling uncomfortably warmer than she used to.

The sound of the trickling from the watering-can she was dutifully but gingerly tipping into each earthenware tray almost disguised the sound of the door to her left opening, and Jessica imagined that if it hadn’t been accompanied by a rush of cold air she might have missed it entirely. She turned to see Lady Ashwater, alone but finely dressed in furs, cloak and a long green skirt. She was carrying a brown paper parcel under one hand and had a rather sinisterly predatory smile on her face that, along with her green livery, gave Jessica the uncomfortable impression of a praying mantis. She wore no hat or muff, but presumably those she had considered excessive for a simple trip down the garden.

“Good afternoon, Samson.” She said cordially, closing the door behind her.

“Oh, um, afternoon Ma’am.” Jessica replied in her gruff vocal affectation. “Not so usual to see you down here now it’s so cold, not least on your own, if you don’t mind my saying.”

“Not at all, Samson, and might I say that voice of yours is really coming along nicely.” The older woman grinned. “I simply came down to admire my handiwork.”

Immersed as she had been in servant culture her entire life, Jessica was very used to the habit of lords and ladies of minimising the actual labour of the lower classes to assume credit for the fruits of their vague ideas. She stepped back a little and gestured at the trays. “Well, there’s not so much to see quite yet, Ma’am, but I could show you what’s been planted thus far and how it’s being tended to…”

“Don’t be silly, Samson, that’s your handiwork, not mine!” Lady Ashwater laughed. “Goodness you really are a servant through and through, aren’t you? Thank you for your deference, of course, but I’m not one of those ladies who enjoys pretending it isn’t the lot of her servants to handle things like this. No, Samson, my project is you, of course.”

Oh. This was going to be one of those visits. Jessica suppressed her natural desire to sigh and stood up straight and open to be inspected. “What would you like to know, Ma’am?”

“What sort of changes have you been noticing, Sam?” Lady Ashwater looked Jessica up and down appreciatively. “I want to see if Dr Casement’s injections have been having the appropriate effect.

“Well, uh…” Jessica faltered. “I feel warmer than I used to, Ma’am. All the time, my body is just warmer normally than it was. My skin is oilier than it used to be, and it’s easier for me to get spots… I feel stronger now, but I’m not sure if that’s just been all the manual labour, to be honest. Oh and…” She squirmed uncomfortably and lowered her voice. “…a certain… monthly visitor has been notably absent, Ma’am. Expected three days ago, she was.”

“Very good.” Lady Ashwater pursed her lips. “That all sounds in line with what the Doctor told me. Well, except the last part, he’d have had no reason to ruminate on that, would he? He did tell me, however, that the opposite treatment has restored that particular… visitor, in women who had lost it, so we must presume this is normal.”

Nothing about what you’re doing to me is normal, you bitch. Jessica thought bitterly, but she swallowed her spite and effected a small smile. “Will that be all, Ma’am?”

“Not quite, Sam.” Lady Ashwater’s voice took on a conspiratorial tone that Jessica liked even less than the previous one. “I have… let’s call it a favour to ask of you.” She stepped closer to Jessica. Too close, in fact. Jessica was trapped between the stone table and her tall, overbearing employer and she was struck with that same fear she had felt in the lady’s chambers when this nightmare began.

“What… what sort of favour would that be exactly, Ma’am?”

“You’ve never met my husband, have you, Sam?” Lady Ashwater had adopted a hushed tone, and Jessica was suddenly painfully aware that with the glass house windows misted up by condensation from the pipes, nobody outside would be able to see in to witness what was happening.

“Um, no, Ma’am. He’s not been home since I started, to my knowledge.”

“No.” Lady Ashwater looked away into the middle distance for a moment. “He hasn’t. Too busy, you see, with his position at the war office.” She met Jessica’s gaze again. “Of course, many women countrywide are missing the men in their life right at the moment, Sam, but I regret to say that Edward has of late been a… distant man even when physically present. It bores me so very much, I have to say.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, Ma’am.” Jessica was panicking. While hardly a literary scholar, she’d read more than her share of lurid romance novels, and she had a horrible suspicion she knew where this conversation was heading, ludicrous as it seemed to even consider.

“It’s petty, perhaps.” Her Ladyship continued. “But I rather think that Edward needs to be taught a lesson that one’s attentions must not stray too long from one’s wife, or perhaps her own attentions might wander in turn. And perhaps alight, shall we say, on the figure of a handsome young man who works out of doors, but close at hand. Do you understand what I might be saying here, Sam?”

Colour drained from Jessica’s face as her fears were realised. “All too well, Ma’am, and I really must protest-”

“Must you now?” The lady raised an eyebrow. “How much must you protest?”


“Might your protestations be worth… thirty pounds?”

“No, Ma’am, please…” Jessica could feel her face prickling and heat rising from under her collar. “I… I just can’t…”

“What a pity.” Lady Ashwater crooned, walking her fingers up Jessica’s flattened breast. “And here I thought you were such a good boy, Samson, ready to attend to your mistress’ every need.”

“I…” Jessica could feel her salary slipping between her fingers. She scrabbled at it. “I haven’t much experience being a good boy, Ma’am. I’ve only had a few months practice at even being a boy! I don’t want to disappoint you, I really don’t, but… you’re asking too much! Please, I need this job, but… well, we both know I don’t have the appropriate, uh, equipment.”

“Ah, not to worry Sam.” Lady Ashwater stepped back a little and handed Jessica the brown paper parcel. “I have a little present for you that should help with that.”

Jessica gingerly took the parcel and undid the string. She placed it on the stone table and peeled off the paper, revealing a strange object. It consisted of a long ivory statuette of a penis- the kind of device that Jessica had heard of, but never seen- attached at its base to a strange apparatus of leather straps and small buckles. Jessica stood looking at it in confusion.

“Do you need some help?” Lady Ashwater asked kindly, having closed the distance again and looming behind Jessica.

“It’s… it’s for attaching around my waist, isn’t it?” Jessica asked quietly.

“Yes, dear. The straps have to go in particular places, let me show you.”

Hiding her crimson face, Jessica slowly unfastened her belt and took off her trousers and the underwear beneath, placing them on the table. She picked up the device and placed it over her exposed sex. Shuddering a little, she turned around and accepted her employer’s cold, talon-like hands on her exposed bottom.

“Are you really certain about this, Ma’am?” She pleaded one more time.

“Very much, Sam.” The authoritative voice behind her said. “Though it seems you aren’t. I do appreciate your service, don’t think that I don’t. In fact, if I might remind you that Christmas is coming up rather soon, and I haven’t had time to decide the exact contents of the servants’ boxes as of yet. How are your family? Are they benefiting from your unexpectedly handsome salary at all?”

“Y-yes, very much.” Jessica stared into the fogged up window beyond the trays. “I did get a rather alarmed letter from my mother. She’s always struggled to make ends meet, so my salary was quite a surprise for her, it’s really helped at home apparently.”

“Well then.” Lady Ashwater finished buckling the straps behind Jessica and lightly slapped her bottom. “An advantage you have over other young men, Sam, is that you won’t experience any problems with… flaccidity, let’s call it, if you think of your mother while pleasuring a woman.”

“Very good, Ma’am.” Jessica grimaced, turning to look at her employer. She was trapped, and not just by the granite tabletop. Shame welled up inside her as she realised exactly how much power Lady Ashwater was able effortlessly to wield over her with the same blunt monetary instrument. How far would this go? How much further was she apparently willing to debase herself for the sake of thirty pounds? When would the prospect of disappointing and horrifying her mother beat out the one of feeding, clothing and resting her?

“Well, get to work, Samson. As with all things in this building, I leave it in your capable hands.” Lady Ashwater said. “And as with all your tasks, some allowances will be made for inexperience, but I expect you to learn fast.” She spread her arms and indicated downward at her resplendently clothed body. “Ravish me.”

Jessica panicked. It was difficult enough to imagine herself playing the part of a man and having sex with this older woman who had trapped her by circumstance in the steamed-up glass house, but now ravishing was to be involved? She decided to be pedantic to play for time.

“Um, ravish you, My Lady?” She ventured. “Are you sure?”

“Why wouldn’t I be sure, Sam?”

“Well Ma’am not to contradict you it’s just… Well, much of my experience with ravishing involves things like, well, the ripping of clothes, etcetera, and I don’t know if that’s a good idea… I’m sure everything you’re wearing is worth more than my salary, Ma’am!”

“A fair concern, Sam, a fair concern. I’d like to say hang the cost, but I think perhaps that would raise some eyebrows when I return to the house. Let’s say, no ripping, but you may tug and ruffle as you need.”

“All right…” Jessica strode purposely forward and snatched roughly around Lady Ashwater’s waist, causing her to yelp happily as her upper body was thrown backwards, rendering Jessica the taller of the two. She grabbed the hem of Lady Ashwater’s skirt and pulled it upwards, exposing the older woman’s simple lace underwear, which she tugged downwards to reveal her cunt. Lady Ashwater giggled with glee but said nothing else as Jessica clasped a hand to each of her hips, stood between her legs and, with a degree of fumbling, inserted the ivory cock into her.

“Please forgive my inexperience, Ma’am.” Jessica said gruffly. “Given I came to you as a chambermaid, the ‘maid’ part of that description was impressed on me rather strongly, so I’ve only read about this in books. Never seen it or done it myself.”

“Give me your best try, Sam, if you please.” Lady Ashwater beamed encouragingly.

Jessica felt uncertain for a moment, but then started thrusting into Lady Ashwater, pulling the older woman’s torso toward her. Lady Ashwater squealed (albeit Jessica surmised this might be out of excitement in having her lurid fantasy carried out, rather than any actual physical pleasure imparted) and kicked up her heels, almost causing Jessica to drop her onto the solid brick. Struggling under her employer’s weight, Jessica staggered backwards until the small of her back met the edge of the table and she could support herself. It was uncomfortable, but it allowed her to remain tipped far enough back that she could hold up Lady Ashwater’s bobbing torso and thrust with her hips at the same time.

“Whoops! Careful there Sam! Perhaps you’re not quite as strong as I thought yet!” Lady Ashwater laughed.

Jessica grunted and kept thrusting. Her mind was racing. This was so peculiar! She was a woman, and not a pervert one who lusted after other women… wasn’t she? Certainly, Lady Ashwater was glamorous, and certainly, it made her feel good to have the woman who had made her life a living hell bouncing on her… cock… but that was about power, wasn’t it?

Whatever, she thought. She’s right. Unlike real men I don’t have to enjoy it to do it. Think of the money, Jessica. Think of Ma, and your sisters.

“Ooh, that’s the way, Sam, harder please!” Lady Ashwater squealed. She hauled her upper body forwards and wrapped her arms around Jessica’s neck, leaning forward and locking their lips together. Jessica was taken aback and only just managed to adjust to keep pumping. The experience of being kissed by this older woman was unexpected and unwanted, but Lady Ashwater’s perfume overpowered her senses, and… Jessica was almost ashamed to admit it to herself, but there was something validating and comforting about being desired in this odd shape the woman had pulled her into. Try as she had over the past two months, Jessica had been unable to feel comfortable, or indeed anything other than ridiculous, in this persona she had been forced into, into Sam. But maybe if it meant so much to somebody else, even to the woman who had done the forcing… she felt a surge of energy and redoubled her efforts at thrusting, snaking her hand down to put a pair of fingers to the lady’s clitoris.

“What’s this?” Lady Ashwater whispered, breaking the kiss. “Perhaps my shrinking violet has more experience than he lets on.”

“You can NOT be enjoying my clumsy fumbling with this… apparatus this much, Ma’am. I refuse to believe it.” Jessica grumbled.

“You sell yourself short, Sam!” Lady Ashwater moaned rapturously. “But yes, your technique is a little sloppy. A little too mechanical, perhaps, too focused on your own pleasure. But don’t worry- I’m quite used to that sort of thing.” she cackled. “Mostly I’m taking pleasure in my project having worked out so well- I’m sure you’ll feel the same when these flowers have fully grown.”

“I… ngh… I certainly hope not, Ma’am, or I’d make quite a scene out there.” Jessica complained, gruffly. Lady Ashwater only groaned in response as Jessica’s fingers assisted the device in bringing her to climax. It was only a few minutes later that the older woman shuddered and slackened in her grasp with a moan of relief. Jessica thought that perhaps the whole experience by rights ought to have lasted longer, but presumably Lord Ashwater’s inadequacies had engendered in his wife a rather short fuse, as it were. She lowered Lady Ashwater to the ground and back onto her feet, and the latter stumbled happily away into the middle of the glass house to readjust her skirt.

“Let me help you take that off, Samson.” She said, closing up behind Jessica again and fumbling with the straps on the device. “I’d wrap it up again before you leave with it- it might lead to talk otherwise.” She pulled the artificial member away and placed it on the table on top of the brown paper.

“Will that be all, Ma’am?” Jessica asked in a strained tone.

“All for now, Sam, all for now.” Lady Ashwater tittered, before stepping out of the fogged up door and assaulting Jessica’s bare lower half with a blast of chilly air.

Jessica looked in dismay at the ivory penis on the brown paper, and at her own crumpled trousers, side by side on the table. As she made to dress herself again she tried to put the whole horrid business out of her mind.

These lavender buds would need a lot of attention, after all.

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