Home of the Prometheus of transfems and her peculiar erotica

Ayula’s Stories

Stories 13
Words 120.3 K
Comments 0
Reading 10 hours, 1 minute10 h, 1 m
  • by Ayula Elder Dragon Acereces has never thought of employing an assistant, but when a handsome young human turns up in her cave requesting her assistance in playing a prank on his mother she quickly finds she can make use of his assistance for more than just organising books.
  • by Ayula Rather than returning to her home country of Turkey for the college holiday break, freshman lesbian Yağmur Asker decides to go home with her new girlfriend Kendall Graves to participate in the Graves family’s festive celebrations. When she arrives, however, things quickly take a turn for the dark; and Yağmur realises that Kendall may have had a particular reason for bringing home a girl from Turkey…
  • by Ayula A spicy and sizzling tale of a day in the life of you, a neophyte vampire captured and kept as the submissive property of an imperious vampire hunter. Every weakness and restriction of your curse is exploited to ensure your obedience and satisfy your owner’s cruelty. If it’s a vampire weakness, it’s being used to cause you pain and compel your obedience! Featuring knifeplay’s vampiric cousin, stakeplay; garlic kisses, and much much more.