Home of the Prometheus of transfems and her peculiar erotica
  • by Ayula Lapsed pred Elena has thus far managed to divert and stonewall the constant requests for annihilation from her exuberantly enthusiastic prey girlfriend Mia, but when it turns out there’s no food in the house on the day of Elena’s big promotion workshop at work, can she any longer justify holding back?
  • by Ayula Emily the preygirl is excited to attend a retreat arranged by her favourite magazine. Two weeks in the mountains with no preds around, just her and nine other prey! A dream come true for someone as on-edge and tasty-looking as her. But the dream quickly turns into a nightmare as the gang discover the shitty remains of one of their number as a storm picks up around them. They’re snowed in, unable to escape… and one of them is secretly a predator. Can they figure out who before they’re all slop?